
Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Arbeitskreis Omega-3 e. V. in all scientific questions and supports the organisation in the realisation of its objectives.

In addition, it is the “instance” for testing Omega-3 products, which is the prerequisite for granting the printed licence for the packaging signet. The Board decides whether a product meets the testing criteria of the Arbeitskreis Omega-3 e. V. and whether it may bear its signet.

The following people belong to the Scientific Advisory Board:

Dr. Ing. David Bahri
Food/nutrient/flavor chemist, specialised in analytics, product development, and application technology

Prof. Dr. Gunter P. Eckert, Private Instructor
Specialist pharmacologist and food chemist, University of Giessen

Prof. Dr. troph. Michael Hamm
Nutrition scientist and professor at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty: Life Sciences
Department: Nutritional Science and Home Economics

Prof. Dr. med. Heinrich Kasper
Internist and doctor of nutrition medicine
Medical Clinic of the University of Würzburg

Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Ulrich Klör
Internist and doctor of nutrition medicine
III. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic
of Justus-Liebig University, Gießen

Dipl. oec. troph. Dirk Neuberger
Nutrition scientist
Queisser Pharma, Flensburg

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Volker Richter
Clinical chemist and professor
Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, and Molecular Diagnostics,
University Clinic, Leipzig

Dr. med. Peter Singer, Private Instructor
Internist and biochemistBerlin

Prof. Dr. troph. Ursel Wahrburg
Nutrition scientist and professor
Nutrition Science and Home Economics Department at the University of Applied Sciences, Münster