Arbeitskreis Omega-3 e.V.
Mörfelder Landstraße 72 60598 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: (069) 96 36 52-36
Fax: (069) 96 36 52-15
Authorised representatives:
Prof. Dr. troph. Michael Hamm, Hamburg (Chair)
Dipl. oec. troph. Dirk Neuberger, Flensburg (Assistant Chair)
Vereinsregister VR 12683
Frankfurt am Main Municipal Court
Design and technical implementation

websigna® // Wir. Machen. Web.
Photo credits
© Westend61 GmbH #J7A636 / Alamy Stock Photo
© masa #37856263 /
© Printemps #44320302 /
© photocrew #41108046 /
© Rido #34094302 /
© Monkey Business #8650975 /
© Christian Schwier #38853027 /
© iceteaimages #20093627 /
© Stefan Dintelmann / Product photo Homepage
The images, texts, and graphics on the Websites are subject to copyright. The copyright for published, self-made objects remains solely with the author, the European Omega-3 Council (referred to only as “author” in the following). No part of the content of these Websites, especially graphics and texts, may be reproduced or used in other electronic and printed publications without the written permission of the author.
Right to information
You have a right to information about the data saved about you, the origin and recipient of this data, and the purpose of its storage. Information regarding the stored data can be provided by our data protection officer:
Further information
Your trust is important to us. We would thus like to answer your questions regarding the processing of your personal data at any time. If you have any questions not answered by this data protection declaration or if you would like more detailed information on any data protection topic, you can contact the data protection officer at any time:
Data protection notice used by permission of (self translated)
Exclusion of liability
- The author assumes no guarantee for the relevancy, correctness, completeness, or quality of the provided information. Liability claims asserted against the author in regard to material or non-material damage due to the use or non-use of the available information or, rather, due to the use of incorrect and incomplete information are fundamentally excluded insofar as the author can prove wilful culpability.
- In case of direct or indirect links to external Internet pages that lie outside of its area of responsibility, the author is not liable for the content of these pages. For illegal, faulty, or incomplete content and particularly for damage arising from the use or non-use of such information, only the owner of the linked page is liable. The author thus expressly declares that, at the point in time of linking, the correspondingly linked page was free of illegal content to the best of the author’s knowledge. For this reason, we expressly distance ourselves from all content of the linked pages that were changed after being linked. This determination applies for all links made within the own Internet offering.
- The author undertakes to observe data protection. This data protection declaration applies only to the use of this Website. It does not apply to the Websites of other service providers to which the author links. We use the personal data that you provide to the author only for the purposes upon which we agreed and about which we informed.
- Insofar as parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer, or do not completely correspond with the legal situation, the content and validity of the other parts of this document remain unaffected.